Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Winter herpin' with the Dobbs boys

Rob was in town briefly (from Colorado for those who don't know), and as usual....herps were a must while he was in town. We went out one night (myself, Rob & Chris Dobbs) specifically for photographing singing Pseudacris. Rob was also aiming high, wanting to photograph Southern leopard frogs, Lithobates spenocephalus singing......HAH.......good luck!

Below are the night's highlight shots.....I want everyone to notice....there are of spenocephalus singing..........................I......TOLD........YOU........SO!!!!! Aww, it's all in good fun anyhow........

singing male spring peeper, Pseudacris crucifer (above)

singing male Cajun chorus frog, Pseudacris fouquettei (above)

Chris Dobbs here....appearing to be under the influence......but we don't roll that way! Just a goofy shot!